New Construction Assignment

New Construction Assignment

One of the benefits of working with an independent mortgage professional is having lots of great financing options! Rather than dealing with a single lender who has one set of products, brokers work with multiple lenders who offer a wide selection of mortgage...
Spousal Buyout Mortgage?

Spousal Buyout Mortgage?

If you happen to be going through, or considering a divorce or separation, you might not be aware that there are mortgage products designed to allow you to refinance your property in order to buyout your ex-spouse. For most couples, their property is their largest...
I Missed a Credit Card Payment… Now What?

I Missed a Credit Card Payment… Now What?

If you’ve missed a payment on your credit card (or line of credit) and you’re wondering how this will impact your creditworthiness down the road, this article is for you. But before we get started, if you have an overdue balance on any of your credit cards...
The Benefits of Consulting a Mortgage Broker

The Benefits of Consulting a Mortgage Broker

Navigating the real estate and mortgage processes with the help of an expert mortgage broker can help set your mind at ease when making one of the largest financial decisions of your life. Mortgage brokers negotiate with lenders on behalf of borrowers daily, so they...
What is Bridge Financing?

What is Bridge Financing?

Let’s say you have a home that you’ve outgrown, it’s time to make a move to something more suited for your family. You have no desire to keep two houses, so you decide that selling your existing home, and moving into something new is the best idea....
Buying A Home, The 30,000 Foot View

Buying A Home, The 30,000 Foot View

Did you know that the average Canadian will spend roughly 11 months actively engaged in the house buying process? However, most of the dreaming (and preparation) happens before then. Buying a home is a big deal, and it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken...
9 Quick Tips on Finding a Great REALTOR®

9 Quick Tips on Finding a Great REALTOR®

So, you want to buy a home. Or maybe you want to sell your home. Either way, working with a real estate professional or REALTOR® is a really good idea. But with all the agents out there competing to earn your business, how do you find the right one? Here is a quick...
Your Work Makes You Happier Than You Think

Your Work Makes You Happier Than You Think

While we may think we dislike our work, research shows we’re considerably less happy doing nothing. The great paradox of working for a living, according to a recent longread by Derek Thompson for The Atlantic, is “that while many people hate their jobs, they are...