When Prime Rates Differ

When Prime Rates Differ

Although the recent changes to mortgage qualification introduced by the government were intended to create stability in the Canadian housing market, the unintended consequences might have been to make the waters a little muddier. For the first time, it looks like...
Further Tightening of the Mortgage Belt

Further Tightening of the Mortgage Belt

Before reading this you should be warned that the following content is pretty dry… like eating 8 saltine crackers without drinking water dry. If you need to go and get something to drink before proceeding, no worries, we will wait here. Take your time.  The...
Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

If you’re getting tired of all the media headlines claiming impending housing market and economic doom and gloom, you’re not alone. It seems every time you browse the news another US economist is predicting terrible things for Canada. Articles like this...